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Get informed with clear, reliable information about mental illness and addiction, including treatment and recovery.
Addiction refers to the problematic use of a substance. The harms of substance use can range from mild (e.g., feeling hungover, being late for work) to severe (e.g., homelessness, disease). Treatment options for addiction include self-help, counselling, medications and withdrawal management.
About AddictionAnti-anxiety medications help reduce the symptoms of anxiety, such as panic attacks or extreme fear and worry. The most common anti-anxiety medications are called benzodiazepines.
About Anti-anxiety Medications (Benzodiazepines)Buprenorphine is an opioid medication used to treat pain and opioid addiction.
About BuprenorphineMethadone is a opioid drug that is often used to treat addiction to other opioids, such as heroin, oxycodone or fentanyl.
About MethadoneNaloxone is a medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and allow time for medical help to arrive.
About NaloxoneNicotine dependence is an addiction to tobacco products caused by the drug nicotine. It involves physical and psychological factors that make it difficult to stop using tobacco.
About Nicotine dependenceOpioids are a family of drugs that are usually prescribed to relieve pain, control coughs and diarrhea and treat addiction to other opioids.
About Prescription Opioids