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CRISIS AFAR: an international collaborative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic a mental health and services access in youth with autism and neurodevelopmental conditions.

B Vibert,Segura P, Gallagher L, Georgiades S, Pervanidou P, Thurm A, Alexander L, Anagnostou E, Aoki Y, Birken CS, Bishop SL, Boi J, Bravaccio C, Brentani H, Canevini P, Carta A, Charach A, Costantino A, Cost KT, Cravo EA, Crosbie J, Davico C, Donno F, Fujino J, Gabellone A, Geyer CT, Hirota T, Kanne S, Kawashima M, Kelley E, Kim H, Kim YS, Kim SH, Korczak DJ, Lai MC, Margari L, Marzulli L, Masi G, Mazzone L, McGrath J, Monga S, Morosini P, Nakajima S, Narzisi A, Nicolson R, Nikolaidis A, Noda Y, Nowell K, Polizzi M, Portolese J, Riccio MP, Saito M, Schwartz I, Simhal AK, Siracusano M, Sotgiu S, Stroud J, Sumiya F, Tachibana Y, Takahashi N, Takahashi R, Tamon H, Tancredi R, Vitiello B, Zuddas A, Leventhal B, Merikangas K, Milham MP, Di Martino A. | Molecular Autism, February, 2023

About CRISIS AFAR: an international collaborative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic a mental health and services access in youth with autism and neurodevelopmental conditions.

Twin Studies of the Covariation of Pain with Depression and Anxiety: A systematic review and re-evaluation of critical needs

Waqas Ullah Khan, Giorgia Michelini, Marco Battaglia | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Review, 2020

About Twin Studies of the Covariation of Pain with Depression and Anxiety: A systematic review and re-evaluation of critical needs

The science of child and adolescent mental health in Greece: a nationwide systematic review.

Koumoula A,Marchionatti LE, Caye A, Karagiorga VE, Balikou P, Lontou K, Arkoulaki V, Simioni A, Serdari A, Kotsis K, Basta M, Kapsimali E, Mitropoulou A, Klavdianou N, Zeleni D, Mitroulaki S, Botzaki A, Gerostergios G, Samiotakis G, Moschos G, Giannopoulou I, Papanikolaou K, Aggeli K, Scarmeas N, Koulouvaris P, Emanuele J, Schuster K, Karyotaki E, Kalikow L, Pronoiti K, Gosmann NP, Schafer JL, Merikangas KR, Szatmari P, Cuijpers P, Georgiades K, Milham MP, Corcoran M, Burke S, Koplewicz H, Salum GA. | European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, May, 2023

About The science of child and adolescent mental health in Greece: a nationwide systematic review.

Nabilone treatment for severe behavioral problems in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Protocol for a phase I open-label clinical trial.

Hsiang-Yuan Lin,Elia Abi-Jaoude, Pushpal Desarkar, Wei Wang, Stephanie H Ameis, Meng-Chuan Lai, Yona Lunsky, Tarek K Rajji | PLOS One, April, 2023

About Nabilone treatment for severe behavioral problems in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Protocol for a phase I open-label clinical trial.

Screening Accuracy of the Parent-Report Preschool Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Primary Care.

N Hattangadi,Hattangadi N, Kay T, Parkin PC, Birken CS, Maguire JL, Szatmari P, van den Heuvel M, Borkhoff CM, Charach A; TARGet Kids! Collaboration. | Academic Pediatrics, October, 2023

About Screening Accuracy of the Parent-Report Preschool Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Primary Care.

What Treatment Outcomes Matter Most? A Q-study of Outcome Priority Profiles Among Youth with Lived Experience of Depression

Karolin Krause,Edbrooke-Childs J, Bear HA, Calder�n A & Wolpert M | European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, January, 2023

About What Treatment Outcomes Matter Most? A Q-study of Outcome Priority Profiles Among Youth with Lived Experience of Depression

study of demographics and co-occurring substance use and mental health concerns

Irina Sverdlichenko, Lisa D.Hawke, Joanna Henderson | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2022

About study of demographics and co-occurring substance use and mental health concerns

What treatment outcomes matter in adolescent depression? A Q-study of priority profiles among mental health practitioners in the UK and Chile.

Karolin Krause,Krause KR, Calder�n A, Pino VG, Edbrooke-Childs J, Moltrecht B & Wolpert M | European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, January, 2024

About What treatment outcomes matter in adolescent depression? A Q-study of priority profiles among mental health practitioners in the UK and Chile.

Paper II: thematic framework analysis of registry-based randomized controlled trials provided insights for designing trial ready registries.

Karolin Krause,Krause KR, Tay, J., Douglas, W. A., Sammy, A., Baba, A., Goren, K., Thombs, B. D., Howie, A. H., Oskoui, M., Fr�bert, O., Trakadis, Y., Little, J., Potter, B. K., Butcher, N. J., & Offringa, M. | Journal of clinical epidemiology, July, 2023

About Paper II: thematic framework analysis of registry-based randomized controlled trials provided insights for designing trial ready registries.

Employment, Studies and Feelings: Two to nine years after a personalized program of cognitive remediation in psychiatric patients

Isabelle Amado, Mona Moualla, Julia Jouve, Lindsay Brénugat-Herné, David Attali, Dominique Willard1, Bérangère Rigaut, Brigitte Malangin, Laurence Kern, Clementine Meyniel, Raphaël Gaillard, Marion Plaze, Florence Perquier, Morvan Yannick | Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020

About Employment, Studies and Feelings: Two to nine years after a personalized program of cognitive remediation in psychiatric patients
