In the headlines or behind the scenes, CAMH stories always aim to inform, engage, and enlighten.
Landmark report provides recommendations to improve care for thousands of Ontario women
About 1 in 8 pregnant people have a disability, but significant gaps exist in the provision of accessible careStudy first to show age-dependent link between self-reported cannabis use and subsequent psychotic disorder diagnosis
About New evidence suggests stronger link between teen cannabis use and psychotic disordersProduct now available in the U.S. with global distribution planned
About CAMH develops first ever clinically validated natural supplement to prevent postpartum bluesSupported by Manulife, a new alliance between womenmind™ and the Women’s Health Research Cluster helps advance gender parity in research
About CAMH forms strategic partnership to advance women's healthNew buildings will inspire hope and transform mental health care and research
About Breaking ground on a brighter future for mental healthFunding will support new smoking and vaping cessation initiatives
About CAMH’s STOP Program receives $850,000 from Ontario Ministry of HealthIn an effort to provide accessible, accurate, and high-quality health information to Canadians, YouTube and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) are partnering as part of the global YouTube Health initiative.
About CAMH and YouTube Health Partner to Promote Mental Health Literacy in Canada2024 kicks off the fourth and final stage of our historic redevelopment.
About Our final phase of redevelopment: Discovery and RecoveryDuring the 2021-22 fiscal year, CAMH reached $86.6 million in research spending, a new record high and an 8.7 per cent increase over the prior year
About CAMH Tops list of Mental Health Research Hospital Rankings