In the headlines or behind the scenes, CAMH stories always aim to inform, engage, and enlighten.
On January 31, 2023, Research Infosource released its 2022 rankings (based on the 2020-21 fiscal year) for Canada’s Top 40 Research Hospitals.
About CAMH ranks among Canada's top three medium-sized research hospitalsMany existing programs designed to address mental health and substance use challenges in First Nations communities are not culturally safe, wholistic or responsive to community-specific needs. The First Nations Wellness Initiative (FNWI) is a collaborative model for developing community-driven, evidence-informed and community-based wellness strategies in First Nations communities.
About First Nations community engagement leads to the development of evidence and community-informed wellness strategiesCAMH scientist Dr. Ishrat Husain discusses groundbreaking work recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine
About Investigating the potential of psychedelics for mental healthOn December 16, 2022 Infrastructure Ontario (IO) issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to PCL Construction for their team to design, build, and finance the Secure Care and Recovery building as part of our 1D Redevelopment project.
About Request for Proposal issued for 1D Secure Care and RecoveryWe’re now entering the fourth and final phase of our historic redevelopment, which includes constructing the Research & Discovery Centre. This building will be a state-of-the-art facility to house all of our groundbreaking research activities.
About City of Toronto Signage Application: Research & Discovery CentreYo-Yo Ma joins Jeremy Dutcher to celebrate partnership in Toronto
About The Art of Healing: CAMH and TSO Partner to Launch Program for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis PatientsOn International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, CAMH research reveals how psychiatrists can be deeply impacted when patients die by suicide
About Psychiatrists on losing patients to suicideA Digital Health Week guide to several CAMH mental health and addiction apps
About CAMH embraces the future of digital healthCAMH clinicians and researchers are available to speak with journalists about how digital innovation is impacting mental health care at CAMH and throughout Canada, including the emergence of mental health apps. Contact to request an interview.
About Media Advisory - CAMH experts available to discuss future of digital care including apps for Digital Health WeekEstablished in 2012, the Tanenbaum Centre for Pharmacogenetics has become an international leader in gene-guided treatment for mental illness.
About CAMH’s Tanenbaum Centre Celebrates Ten Years of Leading the Way on Gene-Guided Treatments