Text adapted from: "The adult patient with posttraumatic stress disorder," in Psychiatry in primary care by Francesca L. Schiavone and Ruth A. Lanius (CAMH, 2019).

Assesses early-life adversity and quantifies childhood exposure to trauma.
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Self-report tool that assesses PTSD severity at the time of diagnosis and over the course of treatment.
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The GAD-7 was developed as a brief scale for anxiety and scores common anxiety symptoms.
How to score the PCL-5 (National Centre for PTSD): In-depth information on the PCL-5 and scoring measures.
Dissociative Experiences Scale–2nd version (DES-II). Screens for the dissociative subtype of PTSD, which PCL-5 does not capture.
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. Features clinical webinars, treatment guidelines and resources for patients, families and teachers.
National Center for PTSD. Developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and includes an online ask the expert feature for clinicians who treat veterans with PTSD.
Sidran Institute. Provides resources for clinicians and non- clinicians about traumatic stress, dissociative disorders and co-occurring problems, such as addiction and suicidality.