Text adapted from: "Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders," in Psychiatry in primary care by Ariel K. Dalfen (CAMH, 2019).
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is a well-validated tool for identifying women who may have depression and require treatment. This freely available self-report questionnaire involves 10 items that apply both during pregnancy and postpartum. The purpose is not to diagnose an illness but to identify women who require additional psychiatric assessment and treatment. Refer women who score 12 or higher for mental health care. Even if the score is lower than 12, clinical judgment may indicate the need for further evaluation.

Postpartum Depression: A guide for front-line health and social service providers
This book was specifically developed to meet the needs of front-line health and social service providers who work with women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. It provides a unique Canadian perspective and covers diversity issues in more depth than other resources.