From assessment to brief interventions, inpatient programs, day hospital services, continuing care, outpatient services and family support, CAMH provides a wide range of clinical care services.
Coordinators provide assistance to physicians, inpatient hospital teams and outpatient teams to coordinate the process and development of community treatment orders.
About Community Treatment Order CoordinationCAMH's Mental Health and Metabolism Clinic provides consultation and assessment for clients with severe mental illness experiencing metabolic problems or medication-related side-effects.
About Mental Health and Metabolism ClinicGroup therapy is provided to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirit people who are concerned about their drug and alcohol use.
About Rainbow Services (2SLGBTQ+)The Forensic Assessment & Triage Unit is a medium-secure inpatient unit that provides and supports a multidisciplinary forensic assessment of individuals facing charges under the Criminal Code.
About Forensic Assessment & Triage UnitThe Gender Identity Clinic offers services to individuals and their primary care practitioners in regard to gender identity and expression.
About Gender Identity ClinicThe Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Service works in the areas of housing, income, employment and education.
About Social Determinants of Health (SDH)A community pharmacy open to everyone
About Pharmacy – Outpatient ServicesThe Ontario Pharmacy Support Program aims to lower emotional, social and economic costs associated with mental health problems for members of the College of Pharmacists of Ontario and their families.
About Ontario Pharmacy Support ProgramThe OPIC oversees processes related to clients who are subjects of an Ontario Review Board (ORB) disposition or are court-referred for assessment.
About Office of the Person in Charge (OPIC)The Clinical Laboratory and Diagnostic Services Department provides relevant, accurate and timely information that contributes to the wellness of the community
About Clinical Laboratory and Diagnostic Services